James Jack, I had the same conversation with my FIL over 10 years ago. He had been asked to train younger brothers to do his job on the RBC. They had removed the congregation book study from his home. He had never missed a Saturday leading the group in service, never took a vacation because of his resonsibilities. The last thing to go was his position as presiding overseer. This man dedicated his life to this organization and "his brothers and sisters".
We had this conversation in private. He never would have discussed such a thing with his own son. He was truly hurt and broken to be set aside after so many years of service. They needed someone who was more accessible. This man still has no cell phone and refuses to have a computer in his home. He believes that computers are from the devil and that they destroyed his son's faith.
This man was broken. He personally helped many less fortunate ones at the KH. Don't get me wrong; he is still thoroughly deluded and has shunned his son for over 35 years. They only speak about "necessary family business" on the telephone about twice a year. The last time we visited he told my husband, "We are all set. Everything is taken care of. Communication is nice, but not necessary." He would never accept help from us and shuns our children and our grandson.
There has been a slight softening since Flipper called my FIL pretending to be one of my local elders (There is a thread about this that got quite heated.) and reassured him that I am still a faithful sister. I have compassion for the man, but will never subject myself to his judgement of my family members and his silence toward the vitriol and hate speech of my MIL toward my husband. I don't intend to ever speak to or see either one of them again, but I support my husband's choice to try to maintain contact, and I send photos on his behalf about once a year.
Cult indoctrination destroyed my FIL's humanity and his family, but he still believes he is doing the right thing. What else can he do now but die with a stranglehold on his faith. It is beyond sad.